If you read this you will think "oh my god why is she blogging at such a young age?" .
Well I feel like I am quite a bit mature inside than people assume I am.
I am the one with glasses
I have dark,long,thick hair, hazel eyes, dark red glasses and a round face. I have struggled with my weight for about 3 years and to throw me completletly off track i got my period last year in October, and that made me put on about 1/2 stone and now I am trying my hardest to lose it from about Febuary till now and hope to continue to my goal which is june.
I love to read and write stories and to be creative. I have been organizing and getting to start put up videos on my channel Hollie o'sullivan , lets just say I'm addicted to youtube its basicly my whole life!
I live in Ireland , in Dublin on the southside , I am VERY proud of where I come from and i love it here but my dream destination is L.A
Here are a few pics =